CL-1, CL-2, and CL-Z Giveaway from Cloud Microphones


Cloudlifter CL-1, CL-2, & CL-Z Giveaway!

Giveaway by Cloud



Cloudlifter CL-1 Mic Activator
The Original Cloudlifter. Hear more of your microphone's character and clarity with active gain. The Cloudlifter CL-1 is a plug and play inline device that boost audio signal by converting phantom power into up to 25db of ultra-clean gain, dramatically improving the performance of dynamic, ribbon, and tube microphones.



Cloudlifter CL-2 Mic Activator
Hear more of your microphone's character and clarity with active gain. The Cloudlifter CL-2 provides two channels of plug and play ultra-clean gain for two mono mic signals or use in a stereo configuration.



Cloudlifter CL-Z Mic Activator
Elevate Your Sound to the Power of Z! The CL-Zi provides a spectrum of new possibilities with its continuously variable input impedance from 150 ohms to 15k ohms allowing for ultimate control over your microphones character, while the variable low-cut filter allows for custom tonal shaping and control over the microphone's natural proximity effect. This is especially useful for voice and other sources where lower frequencies need a gentle or drastic reduction.


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Enter by 01/31/20

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